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                 Vision & Mission - Young Adults


Vision: To serve higher functioning young adults with emotional, cognitive, autism & mental health issues; and or related disabilities/conditions, who are good persons, with aspirations to do well.  They may face many challenges in their daily lives. Will's Hope uses the outdoors, nature and Native Americans as self-enabling and self -discovery mechanisms to provide opportunities for strengthening individuals and fostering the development of passions, self-confidence and other intangibles. 

Mission: Provide young adults with disabilities a supportive atmosphere & opportunities to find strengths and passions; build resiliency and self-confidence as well as seeing the good in themselves and the good in the world.

J.P. said about the 2016 Program "...It helped me believe in myself..."

 J.M. in 2017 -  his response to how he will help others with disabilities  "... I will tell them how to turn their disabilities into strengths."


B.M. about the 2018 Program: "I can conquer anything."


 Advanced Men's Program 2019 - group photo taken after exploring the outdoors and other features of northwestern Wyoming


Advanced Women's Program 2019 - photo is after they gathered data and information about various thermal features 

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