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    Will's Hope Young Adult Programs
                                                                     This page is under construction

                      "In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks." - John Muir

    Links to Young Adult (YA) Program on website:




             Will's  Hope  Young  Adult  Programs


​We develop programs based on number of participants interested,  lodging availability, instructors, and other logistic requirements.   Programs are 9 to 12 days in length.  For programs to run we will need a minimum of 4 - 6 young adults.  It is on a first come first serve basis. 


We are asking for participants and volunteers to let us know as soon as possible if they are interested in these programs or other programs.  Screening, interviews, the application process, orientations, training and other pre-program activities take several months to accomplish.  See the "Resources" page/tab for further information on current offerings. 


Please call Sarah Squire (719-210-5808) to discuss your interest in the Will's Hope Programs.  For those individuals that are new to Will's Hope we can set up an informational briefing/meeting at the participant's home.  We will provide an application to interested persons meeting the eligibility and physical requirements; and we believe the individual is a good fit and can be successful.  In person meetings and interviews are preferred. 


If you have any questions, want the most current information, want to know if an individual may qualify or want to enquire about additional programs being established please contact Sarah Squire at 719-210-5808. 


Schedule for 2025 - this is in development and as details are finalized information will be posted on this website.  First time programs are, in general, operated out of lodging near Gardiner, MT.  Advanced programs may be operated out of facilities near Cody, WY and US Forest Service campgrounds.


As soon as possible - Contact Sarah Squire (719-210-5808) if you are interested in participating in 2025 programs.


 13 November 2025 - Will's Hope Annual Dinner and Fundraiser




From the 2017 Program  T.S.' mom said "It was a fabulous program... It gave him hope in the sense he never thought he'd have an opportunity like this... It improved his sense of independence...Increased his confidence..."




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